
Marton School
6 x 2.5m
I was commissioned to create an artwork to celebrate the schools 15th Anniversary. This work is still underway, although on the finishing end.
Many school children were involved in the process and much learning has been undertaken. I would say, however, perhaps the biggest lesson they are all learning is how long these works can take when an artwork such as this commands so much attention.

The Rangiwahia Hut
2 Buildings
In 2014, The Department of Conservation had ideas to brighten up (in some way) these backcountry outhouse buildings. Having such a superb location to paint in, brought about the results you see. I guess I just went with the flow.
It was a thoroughly enjoying and invigorating experience. All sorts of weather through the day brought many of challenges, yet I would do it again in a heartbeat. I believe it's still bringing lots of enjoyment - an ongoing win-win situation.